Little Brother and I enjoyed making it recently and we love the Halloween color it adds to our window!
Clear contact paper - two squares about the same size
Permanent Marker
Orange tissue paper scraps
Green tissue paper scraps
Black Construction
Ahead of time I used the permanent marker to draw a pumpkin onto the smooth side of one of the pieces of contact paper. I also cut some "face shapes" out of the black construction paper: triangles of different sizes and a mouth.
The Project:
Little Brother helped me peel the paper off of the contact paper and lay the pumpkin piece sticky side up on the table. I had originally thought he might use scissors to cut up the tissue paper, but he decided he wanted to rip the paper into pieces instead. We talked about how to keep the pieces inside the pumpkin outline.
Before he filled the whole pumpkin in he added some of the face pieces.
Little Brother worked until he had filled most of the pumpkin with the orange tissue paper scraps.
We then peeled the paper off of the other piece of contact paper (which was still blank.) Carefully we put this sheet of contact paper sticky side down onto the tissue paper pieces. This is really best done by adults. We tried to lay the paper down so it was as smooth as possible. I used scissors to carefully cut the pumpkin shape out. I left a thin edge around the pumpkin so that everything stayed sealed.
The sunlight shines through the pumpkin, giving us a colorful pumpkin view during the day!
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