Saturday, September 13, 2014

Leaf Print Playdough

The leaves are just beginning to turn colors in our part of New England and as the weather continues to cool I'm sure we'll see more. But, while we're waiting we're exploring creating our own fall leaf creations.
Leaf Print Playdough 
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One easy way we created fall leaves was by using pressing leaves into playdough. 

To begin with I made a batch of basic cooked playdough. I kept it white while I cooked the dough. I wanted three colors, so before kneading it I divided it into three pieces and added different colored food coloring to each piece. This did make the colors a little more muted than when I usually add it during the cooking process, but we were still able to have three colors. 

We also collected some leaves. Most of them are still green, we found a few colorful ones, but we didn't want any of the brown/dry ones yet for this activity.

I set up each of the boys with a tray of playdough, some leaves, and a small rolling pin. 

I showed Big Brother how to make the leaf prints. First, flatten out a ball of playdough and choose a leaf. Use a rolling pin to press the leaf into the playdough. 

Carefully pull up the leaf, and you've got a print! 

Little Brother was more into smashing the leaves into the playdough, and then rolling, but he was excited to have the same tools as Big Brother. 

We always like when our crafts can be easy and fun, did you see our sticky fall leaf collage or our coffee filter leaves posts yet?

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