Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Chocolate Dipped Fortune Cookies

This fun treat is something we've made a few times before - and even though it doesn't take a lot to make them, they look fantastic and special when they are done.

The other great thing about these treats is that even little hands can help with some of the steps so kids can feel involved. We recently made a batch for Teacher Appreciation Week and the boys loved helping make these sweet treats for their teachers. 
Store bought fortune cookies - about 24 cookies works well 
4 oz of chocolate - either milk or semi-sweet chocolate
Sprinkles in various colors/shapes

Other needed materials: 
Either a double-boiler or a microwaveable bowl for melting chocolate
Silicone sheets/parchment paper
Cookie sheet 

We find our fortune cookies at our local grocery store in the Asian food section. They come in boxes about about 12 cookies each. Most of the time they are individually wrapped in plastic, however unwrapping them is a great kid job. Big Brother unwrapped almost all of ours. 

1. Unwrap the cookies (if needed) and set aside in a small bowl. Line the cookie sheet with the silicone mat or parchment paper. 

2. Melt the chocolate using your preferred method. I prefer to use a double boiler, but carefully melting and monitoring the chocolate in the microwave can also work well. 

3. An adult dips one end of the cookie into the chocolate then holds it over the bowl so some of the excess chocolate drips off. Then lay the cookie flat onto the lined cookie sheet. Older kiddos could help with this part, especially if the chocolate had been melted in the microwave. 

4. After four or five have been dipped and placed in a row, chose a color or shape of sprinkles and 
gently sprinkle them onto the chocolate part of the fortune cookie. Kids love helping with this part and even little hands are able to join in on this step. 

5. Repeat the process until all of the cookies and chocolate have been used up. Let the cookies set aside (overnight is best) until the chocolate is set up. Please note, if it's really warm out they may need to be moved to a cooler space in the house or even in the fridge. 

As I mentioned above, we made our Chocolate Dipped Fortune Cookies for Teacher Appreciation Week. We put two each in little brown bags with a small note that said, "I am so fortunate to be in your class." But these would also be fun at baby showers, bridal showers, during the winter holidays, and more. 

Simple, fun, and festive. 

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