Sunday, April 3, 2016

10 Classic Ways to Enjoy Spring (April 2016 Monthly Goals)

Whether it's the unusual winter we just had, the sporadic temps we're still experiencing, or just a touch of late cabin fever - I am so ready for spring, a real spring, to arrive!

Something about this spring also has me thinking about those classic activities that families and kids get to experience during the warming spring months and I find myself just wanting to slow down and enjoy those experiences as much as we can. I'm sure some of this comes from the fact Big Brother turns 6 this month and officially is in the world of BIG KID. A time is going to come when we're more focused on sports, school, and friends and have even less time for these family focused moments.

So for my April Monthly Goals I've come up with 10 classic ways we can enjoy spring as a family. (Although of course I'm still chipping away at my January goals of organizing household clutter, my February Goals of using the crockpot more, and my March Goals of fitting in more exercise for myself.)

1. Jump in mud puddles. What's more fun in spring than mud puddles? Come on, admit it, even grown ups have fun with this one.

2. Play in the mud. If you're going to jump in the puddles, than why not play in the mud too? This year I'm determined we're going to have one afternoon where the boys and I make mud pies. Or, we'll dig into some of these other fun mud activities.

3. Fly a kite. Breezy spring days make perfect kite flying days. There's something so satisfying about finally getting a kite to stay up in the air. (Our hint is to head to our local high school on a weekend afternoon, playing fields are perfect for kite flying.)

4. Enjoy our first cook out of the season. I know, April is a little early for true barbecuing season, but we usually enjoy at least one night on the deck with the grill and friends.

5.  Go on a picnic. Warm temps also mean more opportunities for picnics. We have a few favorite picnic spots we can't wait to head to soon.

6. Explore vernal pools in the woods. Each year we love exploring the vernal pools in our woods, searching for frog eggs and tadpoles.

7. Go spring fishing. While this often an activity the boys and Daddy go enjoy, this year I want to go too. It's been a long time since I went.

8. Go for a "salamander" walk. On a rainy spring day we're bound to find tons of salamanders in our woods. We've shared before about how we have a favorite book to go along with our walk. 

9. Start planting. We probably won't get the garden in, as it would just be too early. But, we can at least start some seedlings inside and get some flowers going in pots outside.

10. Spruce up the yard. There's nothing like working together to get ready for summer fun. I've already been pinning lots of fun summer yard ideas over on Pinterest.

Our hope is to do all 10 of these activities at least one time this month.
What would be on your list for must-do spring activities?

Check out these other monthly goals posts too!


  1. I love that you are celebrating mud! Wonderful goals.

    1. Oddly enough, it's been the least muddy spring I've ever observed. We're going to have to make some mud ourselves to fit it in by the end of the month.

  2. My little one is loving her mud puddle. We haven't flown kites in a while. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. I feel like we only do it once or twice a year, but it's so rewarding when you get to it.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Your goals are so filled with fun! They make me so happy just reading them. I miss the rain... and the mud... and the smell of spring. In our parts, it looks like we missed spring. Beautiful post, Kate!

    1. Thanks Aysh! It's my favorite time of year where we live.
