Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Kindergarten Count Down Chain

It's hard to believe, but a week from today I will have a kindergartner in my house. I shared a little about how I'm feeling about it earlier this month in my Monthly Goals post.

But even though I may be feeling sentimental, Big Brother is a bundle of excitement, anticipation, and a few nerves. He's been asking daily for count of how many days are left until school begins. So, with one week to go I put together this Kindergarten Count Down Chain to help keep track of the days.

We do something similar for the winter holidays, so Big Brother knows a little bit about how the chain works already. It's a little like an advent calendar, there is one link for each day. Each day he removes one link. The last link is taken off the day kindergarten starts.  
Paper strips (I made ours 2 inches wide and 8 inches long)
Large circle/shape for the top (optional)
Marker (optional)

Cut enough strips so you have one for each day you're counting. Curl one strip into a circle and staple the ends together. Curl the next strip through the first circle and staple the ends together. Continue until you've stapled all of the strips and you have a long paper chain. 

Optional: I wanted ours to look a little more festive, and have something to attach to, so I also cut out a black circle and added the words "Kindergarten Count Down" in silver permanent marker. I attached one more black link at the bottom of the circle and used the red strip to attach the chain to the black link. 

For the next week Big Brother will take of one link (by ripping it) off the chain. On the morning he takes off the red link it means that's the day to go to Kindergarten! 

This is a fun way to recognize that the big event is coming, but also keep track of how much time there is until it begins. 

Do you have a kiddo either headed to school for the first time, or back again? How do you help them anticipate the transition? 

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1 comment:

  1. My daughter will also start kindergarten next week and this paper chain is a fun way to countdown
