Sunday, May 24, 2015

Cardboard Airfield

Okay, so I'm not going to lie, I had a little too much fun putting together this cardboard airfield for the boys.

They've been really into airplanes lately, and I knew they would love it. But, I also just loved having a chance to be creative myself. And even though I could have let them help me put it together, I again have to admit I was having too much fun to let them help and decided to put it together all on my own.

Large sheet of cardboard (I used the bottom of an Amazon box)
Large cardboard oatmeal container
Small gift box
Paper towel roll
Small pieces of cardboard
Hot glue gun
Black permanent marker

To put it together I raided the recycling bin (and the small stash of clean recyclables I keep on hand for projects). I started by cutting the large oatmeal container into halves and then half again to make four half cylinders. I hot glued these four pieces next to each other on one end to make the "hangers."

I used the cardboard towel tube to create an air traffic control tower. To create some of the different levels of the tower, I cut small scraps off the leftover box and traced the top of the tube onto each piece. I cut each circle out and threaded it over the top of the tube, and then used the hot glue gun to attach them to the tube. I added a small circle to the top. Before gluing it on to the base, I added windows and other details with permanent marker.

To create a small airport building I used the top of a small gift box, and added windows and doors with permanent marker. I also hot glued this to one corner of the base.

Once everything was glued down, I added details to the base and buildings with permanent marker. I used a lot of different google images for inspiration. I included runways, walkways, parking lots, and even an helicopter landing pad.

Of course, I did eventually let the boys play with it too  . . . They loved it! 
Luckily we have several matchbox car sized airplanes and helicopters to add to their pretend play. 

Both boys enjoyed different parts of the play mat, although Big Brother probably played with it the longest. 

In the end though, even Daddy couldn't resist the pull of the pretend airfield and he wound up having to play with it too. (Although unfortunately I didn't get the chance to take a picture.) 

I know this will be continue to be well loved by all, and when it's worn out we can always pop it into the recycling bin. (One of my favorite parts of creating with cardboard.) 

Have you seen some of out other cardboard creations? 

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1 comment:

  1. How cool is this!

    Thanks for linking up with #FabulouslyFrugal this week
